Sunday, October 3, 2010


Kids say the darnedest things. Miri has had some doozies lately. Here are a couple.

We are reading a book in which a kid becomes a vegetarian.
Mommy: A vegetarian is a person who doesn't eat meat.
Miri: Why, Mommy? (A favorite question)
Mommy: They don't believe in eating animals. We're vegetarians too.
Miri: (thoughtful pause) We only eat animal crackers.

Background: Miri has been reading a pirate book lately and also not wanting to take her nap.

Miri (up from her nap and crying): Mommy, I don't want to go to bed. I need to brush my teeth.
Mommy: You are going to bed.
Miri (sobbing): But I don't want my teeth to be green. I don't want to be a pirate, Mommy. I need to brush my teeth.
Mommy: (Allows Miri to brush her do you argue with that?)

Here she is, with her Bi Bim Bop book and some bi bim bop that we made together. Yummy!

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