Friday, October 1, 2010

Holidays and Grandma Jean

We have slow at our blog posting lately, but we are back! We had a great visit with Grandma Jean last week. She was here over Sukkot and did some key babysitting of the girls and helped to decorate the sukkah that Daddy built in the backyard. Big enough for three people and a bike to fit into! Lots of rain in the past week, but we did manage to make it to the sukkah for several meals.
The family headed to Simchat Torah services earlier this week, lots of singing dancing and opportunities for cute pictures. While others were dancing around with the Torahs, Miri was quietly reading her books in the corner. Now why won't she do that during the quiet parts of services?
Robin was more interested in eating the Torah than anything else, but she did like looking at all the people.

1 comment:

Jean said...

I'm glad you got to eat in the Sukkah. It was fun seeing it go up.