Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Daddy's Little Girl

Like her daddy, Miriam is a pretty rough-and-tumble kid, and that means injuries. No emergency room visits yet, but she regularly manages to tumble backwards over rocks, bang her shins on something metal, or (as she did last week) fall down concrete stairs. The picture doesn't do it justice, but she had quite a shiner. "Scars are signs of living!" Daddy says, proudly.

Ready for Half Dome?

Miriam looooooves the mini-climbing wall at the new park down the street.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rollin' Robin

Exciting news here in the Asch family. Robin is now rolling over. Not all the time, but she does like to do it every so often. Check it out!

In other news, Robin is really happy when she wakes up (unlike her Mommy). Listen for Miri in the background.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Visitor from California

Miriam has been learning her states lately, and was thrilled to have a visitor from California here last week. Grandma Jean took the house by storm, thrilling Miriam with her endless ability to read stories and play with play-doh, lavishing attention upon Robin and giving Mommy some much needed time to run errands and get her hair cut (look for updates in a later post). Thanks for a great visit Grandma!
Just hangin' out
Reading together

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Miri and Robin have been having a great time together...Rasslin'
Taking a bathEnjoying tummy time
Comparing tummies