Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ice Skating

Ah, winter. The weather is chi-i-i-lly (but no ice like up north). Miri got a hockey stick and skating sweater for her birthday, courtesy of the Massachusetts Myers. That means one thing...time to hit the ice! We drove past the crowded malls to get to the crowded skating rink only to learn that Miri was deemed too little to venture onto the slippery stuff. Apparently, it's "dangerous" for her to ride on Daddy's back (which made sense to us once we thought about it). So, while one parent skated, the other watched Miri walk all over and make lots of friends. We had a great time and can't wait until she is old enough to skate with her cousins. The squinty eyes in the picture are par for the course now for Miri these days. We think this is how she smiles. Check out her teeth!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


It's cold here in DC. The days are short. It's dark. Sometimes Chris and Miri just like to do a little rasslin' to pass the time inside. Take a look.